Municipal Theater Ensemble "Theatriko Ergotaxio"

            Municipal Socio-Cultural Organization of Stavroupolis "IRIS". 221 Lagada Avenue, 564 30, Stavroupolis, Thessaloniki, Greece




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Greek and German Theater Festival in Cologne

Beginning 1982, Studiobühne in Cologne   organizes every year a theatrical week that after a couple of years (1987) evolved into a festival at which a different country every year takes part together with Germany. For the week, March 17-24 2001, 8 theatrical groups from Greece took part in the festival presenting their work. Among them was the Theatrical Ensemble "Theatriko Ergotaxio", with it's production "A journey to Brazil".

"A journey to Brazil" is not disguised theatrical play for adults; the existential melancholy by Daniil Kharms together with the dramatology made by I. Martzopoulou revealed the "grown-up child" that was hidden inside the texts of Kharms and which I. Martzopoulou made it possible to be transferred into children's theater. The direction of the play was a revelation presented like an excited journey without end", wrote the German Press (Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger).

 "Unfortunately, theatrical contacts between Germany and Greece are not often. Indeed, it's true that the German audience knows only a few things about the modern Greek theater. At this first Greek-German Theater Festival we chose to present theatrical groups at which their members experiment with a new "communication-language", other than speech", says the director Kostas Papakostopoulos, who is the founder of the "Greek-German Theater Institution" in Germany for the last 11 years, and now the coordinator of the Greek-German Theater Festival.

Article by "Eleftherotypia", on Sunday March 11, 2001  (












14th International Festival of Experimental Theater in Cairo

With a brilliant 13 years of history, the Cairo International Festival of Experimental Theatre is back once more, (September 1-10 2002) having as main domain the Gomhouria Theatre at the Cairo Opera House. The Greek national representation for this year is assigned to two Greek theatre ensembles that aim to lead successfully their experimental work, to one of the biggest festivals of the genre worldwide.

On behalf of Greece the National Theatre's Experimental Theatre Company is invited to participate with "Love's Labors Lost", whereas "Theatriko Ergotaxio"-Municipal Theatre Ensemble of Stavroupolis participates with its late production of "File Kharms".

The "Theatriko Ergotaxio" Ensemble presents its third production in a row, concerning the works of Daniil Kharms, who was one of the most spirited and non-conformist authors of his time. This attentive (and most charmingly persistent) drama choice is one of the reasons why the Ensemble was chosen to perform in the first place, along with the facts of adequacy in the adaptation of non-theatre texts, as well as the virtuosity of the Ensemble's actors. "File Kharms" is a tribute to an important Russian pioneer that includes documents and events about his short and difficult life, during the hard Stalin years"  

Article by "Culture Guide" at:

1995-2002 Hellenic Ministry of Culture


Profile of "Theatriko Ergotaxio"


The theater


Daniil Kharms

