Municipal Theatre Group of Stavroupolis "THEATRIKO ERGOTAXIO" was founded
in continuance of the apprenticeship of the actors who studied in the
Laboratory for Drama Education under the artistic direction of Isabella
Martzopoulou. The repertoire is directly connected with the Laboratory’s
method of working as well as the Theatre Group's. The orientation of both
the "THEATRIKO ERGOTAXIO" and the Laboratory follows that of the Wroclaw
Laboratory (Poland). The co-founder of the Wroclaw Laboratory, Ludwig
Flaszen, gives regular seminars, as does Werner Muller among others.
Isabella Martzopoulou studied with Richard Cieclak and Ludwig Flaszen.
We started with Daniil Kharms, a
writer whose texts are a challenge, in our opinion, both for the actors
and other artistic contributors alike. Our first production was his "A
Journey to Brazil". The story revolves around two main types of people: on
the one hand we have Kolia Patkin, dreamer and adventurer, descendant of
ground-breaking historical figures such as inventors and discoverers, and
on the other stands Petia Ertzof, who personifies realism. Through game,
one of the most important factors in the evolution of human knowledge, it
is proven once again that progress comes about through dreams and
imagination, and is not bound to reason. "A Journey to Brazil" represented
Greece in the "Festival of Two Nations in Cologne, Germany, in March 2001,
and received the highest critical praise from an enthusiastic German
"… Studiobuhne: Children’s
Theatre’s finest hour: The "THEATRIKO ERGOTAXIO" theatre group from
Thessaloniki with "A Journey to Brazil" offered a performance rarely seen
nowadays – as much regarding dramatic inspiration as in terms of scenery,
sound, lighting and movement……Isabella Martzopoulou directed this
discovery as a journey to uplift the soul without precedent. A triumph of
sound and color flooded this performance…"
After "A Journey to Brazil" we
continued our wanderings through the wonderful literary world of Daniil
Kharms to discover "Who is Professor Troubotskin?" The text gives this
great writer the opportunity to add a touch of acidity to a child’s
judgment and realization before a world of untruths built by adults for
their own ends. In this way Kharms strongly reinforces the code of
entertainment as an "education of the soul", all the while with
imagination and the ability to see the world upside-down, which are the
prime elements in a child’s way of thinking. With his caustic quill Kharms
in addition shows incredible foresight, given his era, namely predicting
the current use of children in today’s consumer society.

"File Kharms"
"File Kharms", is the third
production of “Theatrico Ergotaxio”, a tribute to one of the most
important Russian pioneers with documents and events concerning his short,
difficult and with many disturbances life, during the hard Stalin years.
Daniil Kharms – the main literary
pseudonym of Daniil Yiovnaovitz Youvatsof – came into the world on 17
December 1905. A German schooling followed, and then in 1924 he enrolled
at the Electro-Technical College of Leningrad. Together with his friend and
colleague Alexander Vedensky (1900-1941) and the poet Nikolay Zabolotsky
(1903-1958), Kharms founded the arts and literature group "OBERIOU" (Union
of Real Art).
Kharms and Vedensky dedicated themselves to
children’s literature, writing for the publishing house "Detgiz", more
famously known as "Marshak Academy". By 1940 Kharms had published eleven
children’s books, while at
the same time contributing regularly to the magazines "The Hedgehog", ‘The
Siskin" and "Tzizz". Daniil Kharms met his pitiful end in February 1942 in
a Soviet prison after the Nazis had entered his country. Today he is
recognized in the world of literature as one of its most important
writers, and not only in the field of children’s literature. He is
remembered as "the last Russian avant-garde."
By happy coincidence, at the same
time that Kharms made his entrance onto the Greek stage via the
Municipality of Stavroupolis, the Kostaki Collection, works of art from
the same period as Kharms wrote, is being exhibited at Stavroupolis’ Moni